…geradezu heraus. IRMTRAUD MORGNER in Chemnitz
(…outright. IRMTRAUD MORGNER in Chemnitz)
Germany 2008, 77min
…geradezu heraus. IRMTRAUD MORGNER in Chemnitz portrays the personality and work of the writer Irmtraud Morgner (1933-1990) with a focus on her origins, childhood and adolescent years in Chemnitz.
She lived until her graduation in 1952 with her parents in Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf. Her father was a locomotive driver, her mother, a trained seamstress, was a housewife.
The familial, social and political experiences from this time have strongly influenced her and are literarily processed in almost all her novels, without being directly autobiographical.
The film documents the real life of Irmtraud Morgner at that time through interviews with witnesses from childhood and school time and puts it in relation to her novels.

the DVD for the film is available at
akCente e.V. / Frauenzentrum Lila Villa
Kaßbergstraße 22
09112 Chemnitz
15,00 € (including VAT and shipping)
sorry – no english subtitles
interviews with
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Langendorf neighbor child, girlfriend since the kindergarten, classmate
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Hengst classmate
Dr. Detlef Thierig classmate
Gudrun Rohn neighbor child, school friend
Dr. Christel Hartinger life witness / founder of the Irmtraud-Morgner working group in Chemnitz
Dr. Geoffrey Westgate promotion to the work of Irmtraud Morgners
Janet Grau winners of the competition `DenkMal’ for Irmtraud Morgner
Marlen Pelny
screenplay, interviews, director Beate Kunath, Ursel Schmitz
camera, sound, editing Beate Kunath
research Ursel Schmitz
voiceover Marlen Pelny
DVD cover design Yvonne Zückmantel
DVD cover photo Bettina Flitner
project consulting Dr. Christel Hartinger, Ellen Kaettniß, Iris Tätzel-Machute
producer Verein zur beruflichen Förderung von Frauen in Sachsen e.V. / Frauenzentrum Lila Villa
thanks to
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Langendorf, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Hengst, Dr. Detlef Thierig, Gudrun Rohn, Dr. Christel Hartinger, Dr. Geoffrey Westgate, Janet Grau, David Morgner, Georgius-Agricola-Gymnasium Chemnitz, Lila Villa/ VbFF-Sachsen e.V., Egmont Elschner, FAES, SAEK, Dieter Wuschanski, Sächsisches Eisenbahnmuseum Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf, Stadtbibliothek Chemnitz, Kulturamt der Stadt Chemnitz, Irmtraud-Morgner-Arbeitskreis, Irmtraud-Morgner-Tafelrunde, Margitta Zellmer, Addi Jacobi, Katharina Kammer-Veken, Regina Hastedt, Evangelische Trinitatisgemeinde Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf, Stadtarchiv Chemnitz, Bettina Flitner, Ralf Glaser, Erik Wiesbaum, Sirko Knüpfer
photo- and film archiv
Bettina Flitner
Städtisches Theater Chemnitz gGmbH
Privatarchiv Prof. Dr. Gudrun Langendorf
Fotoarchiv Universität Leipzig
Film-Archiv WDR
the film has been funded by
Regierungspräsidium Chemnitz
Kulturamt Stadt Chemnitz
Verein zur beruflichen Förderung von Frauen in Sachsen e.V. / Frauenzentrum Lila Villa | [bi:kei] productions / Beate Kunath | Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
© 2008
04/2013 Frauenbibliothek MONAliesA / Leipzig // Germany
10/2010 Sonntags-Club / Berlin // Germany
05/2010 Brotfabrik / Berlin // Germany
Altes Schloss / Gießen // Germany
Frauenkultur / Leipzig // Germany
Clubkino Siegmar
/ Chemnitz // Germany
03/2009 Frauenkulturzentrum Weimar // Germany
02/2009 Frauenkulturzentrum Paula Panke / Berlin // Germany
11/2008 Frauenkulturzentrum Courage / Magdeburg // Germany
23.08.2008 PREMIERE Chemnitz / Irmtraud-Morgner-Festtage